¡Únete al III Foro Latinoamericano de Cine e Impacto Social!
Te invitamos a ser parte del III Foro Latinoamericano de Cine e Impacto Social de manera virtual y conectar con esta experiencia accediendo a contenido exclusivo.
Al inscribirte de manera gratuita a este evento de 4 días de duración, tendrás la oportunidad de dejarte inspirar por la experiencia de 30 expertos y expertas de 10 países diferentes de Latinoamérica que ya están impulsando la transformación a través de narrativas artísticas. Este foro es una oportunidad única para profundizar en temas de cine e impacto social desde una perspectiva latinoamericana y queremos que seas parte!
¡Marca en tu calendario los días del 4 al 7 de julio y no te pierdas esta oportunidad de formar parte de un evento que reúne a los líderes del cine y el impacto social de toda la región!
Este foro es corealizado por Nodo Sur (Colombia), Taturana (Brasil), Ambulante e Impacta cine (México)
We are Nodo Sur, a space dedicated to enhancing the transformative impact of narratives across Latin America.
We focus on using art as a driving force to inspire profound cultural change. How do we do it? By building partnerships and networks that connect impact producers, change agents, organizations, and projects. We offer training labs, organize forums and gatherings, and develop impact strategies for films, series, podcasts, and more.
Our vision is simple yet powerful: a world where every story we share becomes a beacon of diversity, a map guiding us toward a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future.
Join us and connect to this NODE of the SOUTH to create the change we wish to see!
Who are we?
We offer training labs in impact campaigns and audience design for filmmakers, storytellers, communicators, and change agents.
We create forums and gatherings to connect the world of cinema and social change agents AND build collaborative networks in Latin America.
We design, develop, and advise on impact campaigns that promote cultural change through audiovisual storytelling.
What we do
Impact campaigns
Community building
Latin American innitiatives
In collaboration with TATURANA from Brazil and AMBULANTE and IMPACTA CINE from Mexico, we co-created two projects aimed at promoting and strengthening the CINEMA AND IMPACT NETWORK in Latin America:
An online platform created to inspire and generate innovative solutions in the field of impact distribution, FOSTERING the exchange of experiences WITHIN a regional network of impact producers, filmmakers, training spaces, and change agents across Latin America.
This forum is a space for thought, a meeting for reflection, debate, and network-building for those of us in the social impact cinema ecosystem. Its main objective is to strengthen this field through Latin American experiences.
Resources and Tools
We share some tools and websites on
Mediateca latinoamericana
A collection to inspire with Latin American case studies.
A global network that supports impact producers and amplifies their work.
Impact Guide
The essential toolkit for your impact campaign.
Doc Impact Award
A collection to inspire with case studies from all corners of the world.
Recursos de Doc Society
Recommendations, opportunities, and more tools curated by Doc Society.
Safe + Secure
A Doc Society tool for the safety and well-being of filmmakers, their teams, and the subjects of their documentaries.
Marcela Lizcano
Producer, audiovisual director, and impact strategist. Founder of Nodo Sur and Viceversa Cine.
Her creative journey has focused on documentary narratives that explore the relationship with territory, as well as pedagogy. With Viceversa Cine, she produced the documentaries Aislados, A Loss of Something Ever Felt, Suspensión, and the COLLAB VR platform.
We come from different worlds (biology, dance, cinema, new media, social change), but we all arrived at the same conclusion: To face a world full of challenges, inequalities, and injustices, we activate the power of art to transform reality.
We put our creativity at the service of social movements and storytellers to collectively drive change. We open this collective NODE, rooted in the SOUTH of the planet, to continue sowing sparks of transformation.
Vanessa Cuervo Forero
Colombian cultural worker, dancer, and impact producer working at the intersection of art and social justice.
Founder of Nodo Sur, Director of Programs for Latin America at Doc Society, and Coordinator of the SolidariLabs network in Guatemala, Colombia, and Mexico. She has supported the work of the Truth Commission from the board of Historias en Kilómetros.
Tatiana Vila
Producer, Biologist, and Master's in Environment and Development. Founder of Nodo Sur and Endémica Studios.
Her work has focused on the production of environmental and nature documentaries, television series, and communication strategies for social change. Through these initiatives, she aims to strengthen the social and environmental impact cinema ecosystem in Colombia.
Want to know more about us?
Bogotá, Colombia
Cra 21 #45a.74
Barrio Palermo
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Let's connect and be part of this NODO SUR!